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Version: 2.8.x(Latest)

HTTP Server Rate Limit

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This example demonstrates how to implement rate limiting in a HTTP server using GoFrame. It showcases how to protect your API endpoints from being overwhelmed by too many requests using the token bucket algorithm implemented by package.

The example implements:

  • A simple HTTP endpoint /hello that returns a greeting message
  • A rate limiting middleware that restricts requests to 10 per second
  • Proper error handling when rate limit is exceeded (HTTP 429 Too Many Requests)



  • go.mod: The Go module file.
  • main.go: The main application entry point.


  • Token bucket based rate limiting
  • Configurable request rate and burst size
  • Global middleware implementation
  • Clean API endpoint implementation using GoFrame's binding feature
  • Request validation and documentation using metadata
  • Proper error handling and status codes


  1. Run the example:

    go run main.go
  2. The server will start at

  3. Test the rate limiting:

    # Normal request
    curl ""

    # To test rate limiting, send multiple requests quickly:
    for i in {1..20}; do curl ""; done

Implementation Details

The rate limiting is implemented using:

  1. for token bucket algorithm
  2. GoFrame's middleware system for request interception
  3. Clean request/response structs with validation and documentation

Key components:

  • Rate limit is set to 10 requests per second
  • Burst size is set to 1 (no bursting allowed)
  • Requests exceeding the limit receive HTTP 429 status code
  • Request validation ensures required parameters are provided


  • The rate limit is global (applies to all clients)
  • No persistence of rate limit state (resets on server restart)
  • Rate limit can be configured by modifying the limiter parameters
  • Consider using distributed rate limiting for production environments