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Version: 2.8.x(Latest)

HTTP Server File Upload

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This example demonstrates how to implement file upload functionality in a HTTP server using GoFrame. It showcases:

  • A modern and user-friendly file upload interface
  • Server-side file upload handling
  • Progress tracking for file uploads
  • Proper error handling and validation
  • Maximum file size configuration

The example provides both a REST API endpoint and a web interface for file uploads.



  • go.mod: The Go module file for dependency management.
  • go.sum: The Go module checksum file.
  • main.go: The main application entry point that implements the file upload server.
  • static/: Directory containing static web files
    • index.html: A modern web interface for file uploads with progress tracking.

The project is organized as follows:

├── go.mod # Go module definition
├── go.sum # Go module checksums
├── main.go # Server implementation
└── static/ # Static web assets
└── index.html # Upload interface


  • Modern web interface for file uploads
  • Progress bar for upload tracking
  • Support for large file uploads (up to 600MB)
  • File validation and error handling
  • Optional message attachment with uploads
  • Access log enabled for debugging
  • Clean API documentation


  1. Run the example:

    go run main.go
  2. The server will start at

  3. Access the upload interface:

  4. Upload files using either:

    • The web interface by selecting a file and clicking "Upload"
    • Using curl:
      curl -X POST \
      -F "file=@/path/to/your/file" \
      -F "msg=Optional message"

Implementation Details

The example implements several key features:

  1. A modern HTML/CSS/JS frontend for file uploads
  2. Server-side file handling using GoFrame's features
  3. Progress tracking for large file uploads
  4. Proper error handling and validation

Key components:

  • Maximum file size limit of 600MB
  • Access logging for debugging
  • Clean separation of frontend and backend code
  • Type-safe request/response structures


  • The maximum file size is set to 600MB
  • Access logs are enabled for debugging
  • The server supports multipart/form-data uploads
  • Frontend provides visual feedback during uploads
  • All uploads are validated server-side