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Version: 2.8.x(Latest)

gRPC - Raw Implementation

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This example demonstrates how to implement raw gRPC services in GoFrame without additional abstractions. It shows how to:

  • Create raw gRPC servers and clients
  • Use protocol buffers directly
  • Implement service handlers
  • Make direct RPC calls


├── client/ # Client example
│ └── client.go # Raw gRPC client implementation
├── helloworld/ # Protocol buffer definitions
│ └── helloworld.proto # Service and message definitions
├── server/ # Server example
│ └── server.go # Raw gRPC server implementation
├── go.mod # Go module file
└── go.sum # Go module checksums


The example showcases the following features:

  1. Raw gRPC Implementation

    • Direct protocol buffer usage
    • Manual service implementation
    • Basic RPC communication
    • Error handling
  2. Client Usage

    • Direct connection management
    • Raw RPC calls
    • Basic error handling
    • Connection configuration
  3. Server Features

    • Raw service implementation
    • Request processing
    • Response handling
    • Basic configuration



  1. Protocol buffer compiler installed:
    # For macOS
    brew install protobuf

    # Install protoc-gen-go and protoc-gen-go-grpc
    go install
    go install


  1. Generate protocol buffer code:

    cd helloworld
    protoc --go_out=paths=source_relative:. --go-grpc_out=paths=source_relative:. *.proto
  2. Start the server:

    cd server
    go run server.go
  3. Run the client:

    cd client
    go run client.go

Implementation Details

The example demonstrates:

  1. Raw gRPC service implementation
  2. Direct client/server usage