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Version: 2.8.x(Latest)

Metric - Direct Prometheus Integration Example

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This example demonstrates how to directly integrate Prometheus metrics in GoFrame without using OpenTelemetry. It shows how to:

  • Create Prometheus metrics directly
  • Register metrics with Prometheus registry
  • Expose metrics via HTTP endpoint
  • Update metric values dynamically


- `go.mod`: The Go module file for dependency management
- `go.sum`: The Go module checksums file
- `prometheus.go`: The main application demonstrating direct Prometheus integration


The example showcases the following features:

  1. Metric Types

    • Counter: Monotonically increasing value
    • Gauge: Value that can go up and down
  2. Metric Operations

    • Metric registration
    • Value updates
    • HTTP exposure
    • Random value generation
  3. HTTP Endpoints

    • /: Triggers metric updates
    • /metrics: Exposes Prometheus metrics



  1. Run the example:

    go run prometheus.go
  2. Test the application:

    # Generate some metric values
    curl http://localhost:8000/

    # View metrics
    curl http://localhost:8000/metrics
  3. Example metrics output:

    # HELP demo_counter A demo counter.
    # TYPE demo_counter counter
    demo_counter 1

    # HELP demo_gauge A demo gauge.
    # TYPE demo_gauge gauge
    demo_gauge 42

Implementation Details

The example demonstrates:

  1. Direct Prometheus metric creation
  2. Manual metric registration
  3. HTTP server configuration
  4. Dynamic value updates
  5. Metric exposure


  • Uses native Prometheus client
  • No OpenTelemetry dependency
  • Simpler but less feature-rich
  • Manual metric management
  • Good for basic use cases
  • Default port is 8000
  • Metrics endpoint at /metrics
  • Consider security when exposing metrics
  • Random values for demonstration
  • Counter only increases
  • Gauge can increase or decrease