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Version: 2.8.x(Latest)

GoFrame MongoDB Example

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This example demonstrates how to use MongoDB with GoFrame framework.


This example shows:

  1. How to configure MongoDB connection using YAML configuration
  2. How to create a MongoDB client
  3. Basic MongoDB operations (INSERT, FIND, UPDATE)
  4. How to use BSON for document operations


  • Go 1.15 or higher
  • MongoDB server
  • GoFrame v2


The MongoDB configuration is stored in config.yaml:

database: "user"
address: "mongodb://"

You can modify these settings according to your MongoDB server configuration.

Running MongoDB with Docker

If you don't have MongoDB installed locally, you can quickly start a MongoDB instance using Docker:

# Run MongoDB container
docker run --name mongo-test -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:latest

# Verify the container is running
docker ps

# If you need to stop the container later
docker stop mongo-test

# If you need to remove the container
docker rm mongo-test

For MongoDB with authentication:

# Run MongoDB with authentication
docker run --name mongo-test -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mongo:latest

# Remember to update config.yaml accordingly:
# mongo:
# database: "user"
# address: "mongodb://admin:password@"

Running the Example

  1. Make sure your MongoDB server is running
  2. Update the config.yaml if needed
  3. Run the example:
go run main.go

Code Structure

  • main.go: Contains the main logic and MongoDB client initialization
  • config.yaml: MongoDB configuration file


  1. MongoDB client initialization with error handling
  2. Configuration management using GoFrame's configuration system
  3. Basic MongoDB operations demonstration
  4. Proper error handling and logging
  5. Use of BSON tags for document mapping

Further Reading

For more advanced MongoDB usage, please refer to the official MongoDB Go driver


  • The example uses the official MongoDB Go driver
  • All operations are performed with context for proper cancellation and timeout handling
  • The code includes proper error handling and logging